Title: 7 Deadly Sins of Konoha - Hinata Pairing: None Rating: PG Warnings: Language Summary: In the glorified Hidden Village of Konoha, things are not always as good as it seems. The manifestation of sins are lurking just around the corner.
Title: Rubix Cubes and Stripteases Pairing: Sasori/Deidara Rating: M Warnings: Striptease. Implied sex. Summary: In which Sasori fails at rubix cubes. ( Read more... )
Title: You won't ever leave me now Pairing: Sasori/Deidara Rating: PG Warnings: Implied murder? Summary: Deidara doesnt't want to stay. Sasori doesn't take no for an answer.
Title: Justice Pairing: None Rating: G Warnings: None Summary: It was just another mission but a chance encounter will question some of Sakura's beliefs. "There is no true justice."